#Integrity @ScorpioShip

Our way: do the right thing


We believe in the honourable ideals of seafaring and shipping; those, alongside our high business and ethical standards, and values, are embodied in all our endeavours.
Honesty, ethics and strong moral principles are fundamental to our business. Through our culture, policies, training programs and procedural checks we build around #compliance to achieve the highest industry standards.

#Integrity @ScorpioShip

Success without #integrity is failure disguised


#Collaboration @ScorpioShip

No man is an Island


We believe that working with other companies and professional disciplines, and being exposed to diverse backgrounds and cultures, makes for better business decisions and a stronger organization.
Diversity and openness – the free exchange of ideas – are critical to our success and to our organization as a place for personal and professional development – by encouraging it we aspire at positively contributing to the industry.

#Collaboration @ScorpioShip

Redefining success through #collaboration


#Stewardship @ScorpioShip

We care, respect and deliver


We believe that both professional and personal relationships should be long-term and balanced. We endorse the development, improvement and growth of partners, customers, peers and competitors; we’re all in this together.
Scorpio Group follows a robust Code of Ethics, incorporating our stance against fraud, harassment and discrimination. Further, all our employees undertake Ethics training every 6 months during their employment.

#Stewardship @ScorpioShip

Listen, Learn, Appreciate and Reward


#Moxie @ScorpioShip

Fortune favours the bold


As the underdog we challenge ourselves to move quickly, creatively and thoughtfully towards new opportunities; relying on our energy, passion and principles to achieve advantageous, long-term risk-adjusted returns. Transforming our purpose into passion we tread a beaten path, yet we aren’t afraid to explore unchartered territories.
Focused on our strengths we build on our weaknesses, tirelessly striving for excellence.

#Moxie @ScorpioShip

